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Bias Interrupted Hiring Workshop

Achieve your diversity goals by giving your managers the skills to mitigate bias in their interviews.

You invest in building an inclusive workplace.


Your Talent Acquisition team works hard to present a diverse slate of candidates.


Do your hiring managers have the skills to hire the best person for the job?

Or are they just hiring people they like?

Bias Interrupted Hiring will build the skills needed for your hiring managers to ensure they are mitigating bias in the interview process, through an objective and proven way to evaluate talent.

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a man being interviewed

Download Checklist

Download PAL's 10-Point Checklist to Mitigate Bias in Hiring.

Click here to download

Bias Interrupted Hiring moves beyond awareness and provides participants with concrete actions to mitigate bias during the hiring process.

Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

A study conducted by Harvard Business Review found that only 10% of unconscious bias training programs gave attendees actual strategies for reducing bias.


Tom Bakker, Huckleberry Labs

“I’ve worked with Justin in two prior organizations and attended his interview training many times. I’ve always been a massive fan of it. Since joining my most recent organization, we hired Justin to deliver his Bias Interrupted Hiring program which has been critical to our success in hiring. My interviewers and hiring managers talk in depth about competencies, behavioral interview questions, and unconscious bias every time we open a role. This is such a testament to the impression Justin and the Bias Interrupted Hiring program made on the organization over a year ago! Ultimately, I can see the evidence in our hiring reports as we consistently attract diverse slates of candidates and continue to improve the diversity of the organization.”

Interrupt Bias

Identify and explain how bias shows up and create a plan to mitigate.

Structure Success

Identify and prioritize competencies and skills to create structured interview guides.

Question Effectively

Practice effective questioning techniques to uncover performance related data.

The ROI of Bias Interrupted Hiring

many hands coming together of all races

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) it can cost anywhere from 50% to 2x an employee's salary to replace them.


Assuming an average salary of $70k, making one less unsuitable hire would save at least $35k.

In an organization of 500, improving attrition by just 2% through better hiring would mean savings of at least $350k.

two individuals standing confidently

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